I have updated some of my savings goals. Well, the goals remain the same, but I've outlined my strategy in more detail, and until I did the actual calculations, I had no idea how much I was really saving from a percentage point of view. I am in Super Saver Mode, to be sure. Saving 46% of gross income is no small feat.
Now if I can just keep it up and stay the course. Of course, that's the thing that trips up a lot of people. You start out with the best of intentions and then your plan falls by the wayside. If I can just hold onto my job and keep my goals uppermost in my mind, I can get there.
It's not that I'm awash in money. In fact, my income is average. But I am extremely disciplined and a little self-deprivation is something I don't mind doing if the long-term payoff is there. For me, financial independence is the ultimate goal and something worthy of deprivation in the short-term.
In Super Saver Mode...
March 18th, 2009 at 08:18 pm
March 18th, 2009 at 11:40 pm 1237419646
She goes outside, a bit, but only if you are out there. The only saving grace is that she doesn't want to stay by the door and try to follow me to work.